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About Us
Dialysis is a treatment for kidney failure that rids your body of unwanted toxins, waste products and excess fluids by filtering your blood. When kidneys fail, your body may have difficulty cleaning your blood and keeping your system chemically balanced. Dialysis can take the place of some kidney function and, along with medication and proper care, help you live longer.
Why do people need dialysis?
If your chronic kidney disease (CKD) reaches end stage renal disease (ESRD), also known as kidney failure or stage 5 CKD, your kidneys are no longer functioning to filter and clean the blood the way healthy kidneys normally would. Without treatment, life-threatening waste and toxins will build up in the body. At this point, dialysis treatment is needed to prolong life until you can receive a kidney transplant.
If you have conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, you are at higher risk for kidney failure, which means you may eventually require treatment like a kidney transplant or dialysis. Dialysis removes excess fluid from the body, helping to control blood pressure. Working with your doctor to keep blood sugar and blood pressure controlled may help keep your kidneys working longer.
Doctors use a number of kidney function tests to determine your kidney health. Most people begin dialysis treatment when they have a GFR of <15, meaning they’ve lost about 85 to 90 percent of their kidney function. Early diagnosis of CKD and regular monitoring can help you keep your kidneys functioning for as long as possible—and allow you and your doctor to plan for ESRD treatment when necessary.
Go to Doral Dialysis Center to receive expert care from a dedicated medical team during your dialysis. In addition, each dialysis station has a comfortable massage chair, individual thermostat, lighting controls, and a full entertainment center.
Call us at (718) 971-1952.